
Menyatakan persamaan hukum newton ii dalam koordinat polar
Menyatakan persamaan hukum newton ii dalam koordinat polar

menyatakan persamaan hukum newton ii dalam koordinat polar

Berdasarkan hasil pengujian pada simulasi menunjukkan bahwa metode kontrol yang diajukan mampu melaksanakan tracking sesuai dengan referensi yang diberikan.

menyatakan persamaan hukum newton ii dalam koordinat polar menyatakan persamaan hukum newton ii dalam koordinat polar

Pengujian dilakukan dengan memberikan input referensi koordinat berbentuk persegi dan segitiga. Dari desain sistem kontrol yang diajukan menghasilkan perhitungan sinyal kontrol untuk mengatasi dinamika AUV yang nonlinier. Desain NN yang dipakai menggunakan tipe backpropagation dengan satu layer. Berdasarkan hasil kajian dari penelitian sebelumnya penulis memilih Neural Network (NN) sebagai metode kontrol linier yang digunakan untuk kontrol gerak lateral. Mengingat karakteristis AUV yang Multi Input Multi Output (MIMO) dan merupakan sistem nonlinier, hal ini menyebabkan adanya kesulitan dalam pengendalian AUV secara otomatis untuk melakukan tracking.īerdasarkan permasalah diatas penulis mengajukan kontroler yang mampu mengatur rudder untuk mempertahankan arah AUV saat tracking. Dalam rangka menunjang fungsi AUV dibutuhkan adanya kontrol yang memadai untuk menjaga efisiensi bahan bakar dan waktu. Perkembangan fungsi Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) sudah semakin luas, mulai berguna untuk tugas-tugas militer di bawah air yang berbahaya sampai untuk tugas ilmiah seperti pemetaan kondisi bawah laut, mendeteksi sumber minyak dan lain-lain. Simulation results show a reliable performance of proposed MPC strategy to control the horizontal speed of AUV while all the constraints on state, control signal and also the variation of the control signal are satisfied.

menyatakan persamaan hukum newton ii dalam koordinat polar

The main problem for such a situation is the interaction between speed control and depth deviation then quadratic programing technique managed responses to avoid state and control signal constraints. A well-defined performance index and constrained finite horizon optimization program in the form of Model Predictive Control (MPC) strategy is proposed to regulate the horizontal speed of AUV to its desired value while the constraints on the states like depth and control signals are considered in finite time horizon optimization program to be satisfied. According to the Newton-Euler method, the 6 DOF kinematic and dynamic models of the AUV are established. This paper is concerned with speed control of an AUV model respecting the state and control constraints. One of the most important parts of any autonomous vehicle is the control issue to achieve the desired performance. Nowadays Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) are an unavoidable part of marine industries. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate performance of the proposed method. Phase plane analysis is used to study the stability. The resulting nonlinear control design is formally shown and it yields global asymptotic convergence of the AUV to the path. Combining the useful properties of each one to improve the performance and stability of the overall controller. Also, a pitch, yaw and roll attitude controllers are designed to keep the vehicle at a constant depth. Two main controllers are designed to control the depth and the heading of the underwater vehicle. In this paper a simulation for modeling and control of motion of an underwater vehicle in 6DOF is presented. In fact, performance and stability of AUV has become the most important issue related to nonlinear control problems. Because assumptions may cause severe result in practical applications, Six Degree of Freedom (6DOF) dynamic modeling has been taken into consideration. The main focus of this paper is taken on the direct solution to the nonlinear autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) dynamics including the performance and stability of a proposed controller without any restricting assumptions on the AUV's angles during the diving process.

Menyatakan persamaan hukum newton ii dalam koordinat polar